Wednesday 22 April 2009


Book binding

I really enjoyed the book binding workshops!! I'm happy with how this book turned out, and also the photograph of this particular book is interesting. I especially like the shadows.

Linking with the book binding, I made the book (below) for my '100 car' project.
I chose the photograph one of my favourite pages in this book, and again, I really like the photography.


These are a few of my favourite photos I took when researching into 'what is a line?'

Talk to communicate more

This poster was produced by myself and Adam Townend for a 'talk to communicate more' campaign. We made four posters with the same layout but with different imagery and stories. However, I think this is the best one out of the set.
I'm not sure if this is actually allowed 'cause of it being made from partner work, but still, I thought I'd include it. It's worth a try. :)

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Recognition day

I'm quite happy with my final resolution for the 'Recognition Day' live project.
I chose to create a poster saying 'thankyou', to show how thankful one could be when something nice has been done for them. In this case, someone has been made a fry-up. I left the reason why a fry-up was made to the imagination. Perhaps it was made for Mothers day? It's just something small to repay the favour. :)

I also made a poster using postits which all had different ways of saying 'thankyou'.